Saturday, March 10, 2012


I just got back from work and i'm sooo tired! I wish I could go to bed but I can't... I have to find something to wear for sunday. Oh yessss sunday, I will be attending a movie award ceremony called Les Jutra. It gives out awards to the best movies from Quebec, such as Mr. Lahzar who has also been nominated for an Oscar. That means that all the big names in the province are gonna be there... oh and me too :) This is why I need a killer outfit!! And like pretty much every girl, I feel like I have nothing to wear. No but seriously. I might as well go naked. 

But you know what they say: La nuit porte conseil. In english that might translate as... the night gives you advice? Or no in english they say sleep on it. haha oh well, good night sweeties <3 

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